These questions are part of an outdoor exercise (related to 6 Tasks specified by ICBC) that explores how conversation affects situational awareness. Directions will be given during the classes. To see all of the Tasks and Topics, tap above.
01: What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses?
01: What powerful emotions have you experienced in your life and when?
02: What is the most important thing you know?
02: If you could be doing anything right now, what would you want to do?
03: When have you experienced negative peer pressure?
03: What did you like about two past teachers?
04: When have you experienced positive peer pressure?
04: What did you dislike about two past teachers?
05: When have you experienced being embarrassed?
05: Where have you travelled in your life until now?
06: What would you like to change about yourself?
06: If the world's people would follow your advice, what would you advise?
07: When have you experienced being jealous?
07: What are the earliest memories you have of your life?
08: When have you trusted your instinct instead of your logic?
08: What is the most physical pain you have experienced in your life?
09: What do some people like and dislike about you?
09: If you could do anything and be paid for doing it, what would you do?
10: What is one of the worst or the best things you have seen in your life?
10: If you met a genie, what would you wish for?
11: When have you experienced being in trouble?
11: If you could be invisible, or time travel, or fly, what would you prefer?
12: When would it be okay to steal or lie?
12: If you could become any creature at any time, what would you be?
13: What are some of your fears?
13: Do you believe in UFO's or other inexplicable phenomena?
14: What is the most difficult thing you have experienced in your life?
14: What famous past or present person would you want to interact with?